Servants of the dark powers
Servants of the dark powers

servants of the dark powers

Some of the lore tabs hint to it being the gateway into Mara Sov's throne world. After defeating the plague, the player will be rewarded with powerful gear. These new bosses are the different plagues and there are different ways to defeat each one of them.

servants of the dark powers

Tier III plays similar to the two other tiers with the main big difference being an increased power requirement and a new sort of boss. After defeating the two Heralds, the player is rewarded with a seemingly normal patrol chest, with the main difference being that it can drop a Seed of Light required to unlock the new subclass trees added in Forsaken. Tier II is very similar to Tier I with the main difference being the increased power level and an additional Herald at the end. After defeating the Herald, players will be rewarded with a low-tier chest similar to the ones you can find whilst patrolling the Dreaming City. The boss of the first tier is a Scorn abomination called "Herald of the plague" which also have a shield that requires the harmony buff to damage. The buff is gained from killing special glowing enemies that spawn with the servant. These enemies have a shield that can't be damaged unless you get a buff called "Harmony".

servants of the dark powers

Around round 2 and after, special enemies called "Servants of the plague" will spawn. Tier I of the Blind Well has 5 rounds where the main goal is to defeat the enemies that spawn.

Servants of the dark powers